Ecological Conscience

The kitchen environment is ideal for the cultivation of a child's ecological know-how. Children don't just 'play a game' in the kitchen.  Instead, they are taught and implement their sense of cooking ecology. By building up that sense they adopt a permanent sense of buying, choosing, cooking and finally consumming the ingredients they themselves have bought. More specifically, young children become very careful towards nutritional and ecological values.



Below are some amongst the many basic ecological rules young chefs learn:

  • We only buy each product when it's in season
  • We only buy the right quantities at the exact time we need them
  • We only prefer to buy from the right vendors  and not just from people we don't know.
  • We only buy locally cultivated products
  • We only prefer recyclable packagings
  • We only prefer bags or boxes that can be easily recycled
  • We respect and use carefully raw materials
  • We only cook ecologically using the right quantities of ingredients, water and energy
  • We create our own small and private 'gardens' on our verandas or in our yards so that we can pick our vegetables ourselves.  This way, we help the environment and at the same time we enjoy the fresh scents of plants we plant and grow ourselves without any need for chemicals.
  • We regularly recycle our used packages


Have you ever imagined your child to cultivate arugula or fresh basil on your veranda?

Or better yet, a young child knowing what organic fertilizer is ,for your plants, which comes from potato skin and other vegetables that you previously thought they were not fresh and were thrown into the garbage bin?

Are you looking forward to the idea that your children will some day  stop fighting or nagging over things you bought from your local supermarket and they just don't like?

In the Kids Cooking Club we teach our young Chefs to actively contribute to the protection of the eco system , the well being of both the planet and themselves.


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